The founding of industrial relations and LERA: IR celebrates 100 years, LERA 73


  • Bruce Kaufman


Our association started in 1947 as the Industrial Relations Research Association (IRRA) but in 2005 was rebranded as the Labor and Employment Relations Association. If we continue to trace our lineage through industrial relations (IR), then a good case can be made that this year -- 2020 -- is the centenary year of the field's founding and its 100th birthday.A centenary is a rare event and an opportune time for an appreciative reflection on our collective journey. Part of the appreciation should go to each of our 72 past and present LERA presidents, starting with Edwin Witte in 1948 and through to Dennis Dabney in 2020, for their dedicated contri-butions and noteworthy roles in carrying our field and association forward to this milestone.
