Industry Councils: A National Impact Anticipated


  • Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld


Industry Councils represent a bold new initiative for the IRRA, building on a long tradition of industry- focused analysis and publications by the Association. A network of tripartite Industry Councils is envisioned, with organizing efforts already underway in aerospace, airline, automotive, construction, healthcare, public sector, steel, and other industries. Enabled by a major grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, this initiative represents a key structural addition to the IRRA— complementing the work of the national organization, local chapters, and the Association’s various interest sections.The competitive and employment dynamics of different industries certainly warrant industry-specific analysis and action. This has been a key motivation behind the efforts of the Sloan Foundation to establish a broad range of “Industry Centers” in different universities and to provide other support for the concept of “Industry Studies.” In speaking to the IRRA national Executive Board, the Sloan Foundation program officer for this initiative, Gail Pesyna, urged our Association to be bold in our efforts so that Industry Councils can have a positive and substantial impact on competitiveness and other societal outcomes in each industry.