Evolution of Social Dialogue in Poland


  • Juliusz Gardawski Warsaw School of Economics


Citizen and social dialogue has a relatively long history in Poland, starting from quasi-dialogue between Edward Gierek and the Szczecin shipyard workers during the 1970–1971 crisis. Later, there was a big debate between the Party leadership and the representation of the society in the August of 1980, and, after seven dark years of martial law, the Round Table talks in 1989. After the collapse of authoritarian socialism in 1989, there was a break in dialogue at the nation level, which lasted almost three years (1989–1992). This break was due to the fact that “Solidarity,” a large Polish union, became, for some time, the one and onlymaster of the situation after the triumphant victory over authoritarian socialism and the bloodless revolution (Ost 2001, 89).




2004 San Diego, CA Proceedings